Shiga Kogen Highlands: A UNESCO Biosphere Reserve with Photographer & Nature Guide Yokota Shinji

Episode 35 of the podcast takes us to Shiga Kogen Highlands in Nagano Prefecture. Declared a UNESCO Biopshere Reserve in 1980, Shiga Kogen is an alpine landscape which includes major peaks such as Mount Shiga and Mount Kusatsu-Shirane – one of Japan’s most active volcanoes – renowned for its biodiversity, wetlands and distinct seasonal beauty.

In this episode I speak with Yokota Shinji – a talented landscape and nature photographer who regularly accompanies guests into the alpine landscape of Shiga Kogen. He provides nature tours, photography tours and workshops for both Japanese and English-speaking guests and as such is an ideal person to accompany us to Shiga in this episode.

Shiga Kogen Highlands sit within Joshinetsu Kogen National Park and will of course be familiar to many listeners as the ski resort of that name – Shiga Kogen Mountain Resort – is the largest ski resort in Japan – something we covered in Episode 13 of the pod while nearby Shiga Kogen Brewery – something we covered in Episode 6 of the pod - takes its name for this area of the mountains. Today’s chat is however all about the Biosphere Reserve. Shiga Kogen Highlands is one of ten UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in Japan, a global system of reserves awarded that status in recognition of their biological diversity and as models of mutual beneficial relationships between people and nature.

For more information and to view Shinji’s beautiful photography, please visit his website and follow him on Instagram and his YouTube channel. I’d like to thank Shinji for making time to speak with me and providing the images used in support of this episode. All images are the property of Yokota Shinji and cannot be used without his permission. I hope you enjoy.


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